
Visitors, new parishioners, and everyone alike, who arrive for weekend Masses, are made to feel welcome by our Greeters or Welcomers in the Narthex.

Contact: Cynthia Boudeville: cboudev@gmail.com



Ushers assist with directing parishioners and visitors to their seats; and assist with doing the offertory collections.

Contact: Cynthia Boudeville cboudev@gmail.com

Altar Servers

Altar servers assist the priest during Mass on weekends and feast days. They are scheduled to serve usually once a month.

Altar servers are trained in the proper use of, and care for sacred objects and to serve with respect and reverence during Mass.

Boys and girls who have received the Sacrament of First Eucharist are welcome to join the training to become an altar server. Training is held once a year.

Contact: Ashley D'Silva ashley.ashbon@gmail.com

Sacristans & Mass Preparation

The Sacristans prepare for, and clean up after, all Masses.

They are tasked with the proper treatment, maintenance and safe keeping of the holy books, vessels, offertory, and incense (when used), including ensuring that the tabernacle is secure.

The sacristan is also the Mass coordinator. Before each Mass, he/she must ensure that everything is in order, and that the Altar Servers, Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers are present and ready to serve. 

Contact: Phil Green philbygr@hotmail.com

Altar Linen

This important ministry is conducted quietly behind the scenes in the homes of the volunteers. Duties include picking up all soiled linen from the Church, rinsing out the precious body and blood, washing, drying, ironing, and returning the linen to ensure they are always clean for Mass and other liturgies.

This task is usually done fortnightly.

Contact: Louise Pagliaro 0488 203 079

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
(Eucharistic Ministers)

The honour and special privilege of the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is to assist the priest in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.

The nature of this ministry is rooted in the love of Christ, as ministers serve our parish community in a pastoral way.

Contact: Phil Green philbygr@hotmail.com


Lectors are servants of the Word of God. Through study and preparation, Lectors proclaim the sacred scriptures with clarity and conviction, providing spiritual nourishment to the Eucharistic assembly.

Lectors for the weekend Masses are scheduled about once a month. Before rostering new lectors, they are required to be initiated into the ministry. This happens once or twice before the individual is rostered. 

Contact: Phil Green philbygr@hotmail.com

Church Flowers

The creative eyes and hands of a team of dedicated ladies bring the beauty of flowers into our church. 

They ensure that the altar and the church are always decorated with a colourful variety of flowers and different floral arrangements each weekend, except in the season of lent.

Contact: Fleur Bocarro elegant_creations@hotmail.com

Audio Visual Display

This ministry prepares the PowerPoint display used during Mass, including the lyrics of the hymns and liturgical prayers.

Contact the team at mass@syndalcatholic.org.au